A place for families
Something for Families
All-age Services
On the third Sunday of each month in Rosewell Church, we hold an All-age Service. These services are more relaxed and informal and all are most welcome to join us. Check the Church Calender for dates and times.
Holiday Club
During the mid-term break in February, we work with our neighbouring Parish Churches of Bonnyrigg; and Cockpen and Carrington to run a Holiday Club, which is held in the Pitcairn Centre, High Street Bonnyrigg. Children in P1-P7 are welcome to attend and enjoy Bible stories, games, crafts, songs and snack time. To sign up please contact BonnyriggChurchesHolidayClub@gmail.com. Check our Church Calendar for dates and times.
Messy Church at Rosewell
Messy Church is an all-age expression of church that encourages families to come together, to make, to eat and to celebrate God.
It is a fast-growing ministry that continues to engage and build relationships with thousands of people outside the usual church context. The values of Messy Church are based on creativity, hospitality and celebration.
Held in Rosewell Church and Hall, Messy Church begins with a warm welcome, so if
you have not been to Messy Church for a while, or never been before – please
check us out. Mums, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends, carers
accompanied by babies, toddlers, and primary school children – you are all most welcome.
Children are NOT dropped off – come and join the fun with them.
Messy Church creatively explores Christian and moral themes
through getting messy; with crafts, games, a story, prayer and songs
and then it finishes with a special Messy meal together without you
having to clear up or cook!
So, why not come along and give it a try. Check the Church Calendar for dates and Times.